Saturday, August 20, 2011

A café job

is not as glamorous as Rachel -of Friends- made it look.

Over the weekend, I have:
  • made several cappuccinos, flat whites, long blacks, espressos and lattes and a single iced coffee (in winter, go figure)
  • wrapped banana bread slices, folded cutlery into serviettes and grilled panini fingers
  • washed falafel crusted pans, crockery etc and loaded the dishwasher
  • scooped gelato and plated cakes
  • warmed up sandwiches, arranged croissants and fruit tarts
  • ran the register and served meals to customers
  • scrubbed wall tiles by the roadside
  • wiped tables and arranged chairs
  • delivered cookies and hot chocolate to another shop
  • carried 11 litres of milk on one of the 3 trips, made in a single day, to the grocery store a block or so away

It has actually been immense fun doing the above, except maybe the last. In a mere two days of work, I've learnt a tonne and I get to be the food tester since the Egyptian owner is fasting for Ramadan.
It's also the kind of place where I've always envisioned working -on a part time basis. A darling little café at the corner of the plaza right at the city centre, serving lacto-ovo vegetarian food, great coffee and delicious gelato.
My co-workers are lovely (an eclectic mix of zany full timers, the serious business backers and edgy-student part timers/ casual workers) and we get to catch whatever actions going on at the main plaza...there was a fire twirler last night.
Despite being paid just a little over minimum wage, which is actually more than what I made as an engineer in Singapore if we break things down by hours, there are plenty of perks besides expanding my skill set; Read: FREE COFFEE and food :)))