Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This Leap Year

Most notable thing I did:
Put two 22 day old GAD67-GFP knock-in mice to sleep, perfused its brain and sliced it (the brain) up.

How I felt:

My actual thoughts when anesthetizing the mouse:
These mice are Aquarius. Not the point. Please be asleep mousie, don't feel pain. I'm sorry.

What was running through my head when I was opening it up:
Don't wake up. Ack! It's pumping heart is tiny. Where's the right atrium? Now Eva, make the incision at the left ventricle carefully, all the way through to the left atrium, don't pierce anything else. The mouse should not have died in vain.

Upon draining its blood supply, I  perfused the mouse with saline and a fixative. I watched its liver turn from red to yellow. The mouse was stiff at the end of it all and its brain well fixed. So the task of harvesting the brain began.  Skull-membrane separation etc. The end result, a white, kidney bean-sized blob of brain immersed gently in media and coronal slices in the order of microns were made.
I was to study the pituitary cortex, hippocampus, neocortex and possibly the olfactory tubercle for the first phase of my work. The brain is beautiful. The hippocampus (even when viewed without staining, with the naked eye) is ethereal. A set of angel wings suspended delicately in the middle of the slice.

More unrelated thoughts that strayed into a stranger neighborhood:
Since we believe that we have the right to breed animals for lab experimentation for bettering our species, we must be fair about it. If a "higher" species were breeding humans and experimenting on us in the same way, I should not complain. I can't. Believe you me, I would like it not a bit but to think that we alone had a mandated right over all other creatures would be unjust.

At the risk of sounding batty, what if unexplained human diseases were such. Why is it that some families have particular types of cancers. What if there were another species/ being(s) that had bred them so. We have after all created animal lines with specific gene variations and mutations. Religions would assign the "being(s)" to God(s) and conspiracy theorists may prefer to think of this/ these being(s) as aliens. In fact, it could be an infinite reproduction time thing, a frame within a frame. Layer upon layer of being doing the same to one another, the ones at the bottom wondering at the coincidence, the ones at the top searching for a pattern. A mise en abyme- type recursiveness?  Rather than bothering myself with these things, I shall go back to my brain slices and figure out how to meaningfully quantify the luminescence.