Wednesday, March 14, 2012

L'histoire annuelle de jour de π

So for my annual pi day post, I have nothing to say but pi day is an amazing day to eat pie, which i shall and shan't do.  If I were in Penang, a homey apple pie would have been the order of the day, or a key lime pie. A banoffee pie maybe? Yes, pie of the year, 2012: Banoffee!

 In Other News
1) Wondering if:
  • the Golden Key International Honours Society is an attempt to scam me of cheddar? I think the independent reviews said it best. A good wank for your ego.
  • my going home this short break is madness. Yup, it is. Wait, I'm still going hoho. 
2) What I really should be doing instead of blogging:
  • 3 reviews that should have done themselves over the long weekend
  • work on my ADHD paper
  • understand the physics of EEGs for a presentation
  • analyze my data and figuring out the next phase of research (interneurons are the bomb, *droll face*)
  • catching up on actual lecture material (way down on the list, too.many.other.things.of.immediate.urgency.raaaaawr!)
Listing it pushes the panic button but all my undergrad years and first postgrad term have taught me that I need the adrenaline rush and the full on "fuckyou'rescrewed!" feeling to get started and do a fine job of anything. www.made4stress&
Pretty fine line though, too hard a shove sends one across the precipice, down the valley of despondence.