- attack ants - blow bubbles - caper with capers - drool on dogs -
- e-mail elephants - flash at frogs - gibber with granny - hanker for haggis -
- iodize ice-cream - jaywalk in the jungle - kick kibbles - leapfrog over lemons -
- mathematize music - nudity in numbers - outrage octopi - pet porcupines -
- queue at queens - roll a robot - sanitize shallots - tap dance on toads - unify umbrellas -
- vilify vermin - water the weasel - x-rated xylophones - yodel in yugoslavia - zip up zealots -
- e-mail elephants - flash at frogs - gibber with granny - hanker for haggis -
- iodize ice-cream - jaywalk in the jungle - kick kibbles - leapfrog over lemons -
- mathematize music - nudity in numbers - outrage octopi - pet porcupines -
- queue at queens - roll a robot - sanitize shallots - tap dance on toads - unify umbrellas -
- vilify vermin - water the weasel - x-rated xylophones - yodel in yugoslavia - zip up zealots -