Sunday, September 06, 2009

Lounge Window.

Dear Sir/ Madam,
We, the seniors, would like to kindly request that you stop obscuring our view of the happenings of a public domain, i.e. our lounge.
To put it simply, stop blocking the damn window.
We still love you.

An opening constructed in a wall or roof that functions to admit light or air to an enclosure and is often framed and spanned with glass.

Granted, the lounge window is not exactly going to admit air or light any time soon, so going by strict definitions, 1 to the lounge peeps, zilch to me and the rest of the D-blockers who have been complaining.
Lets get more practical with our definitions.

Why would the architect have put a window facing a dark and narrow corridor?
  1. Maybe he wanted to punch a hole in the wall to vent his frustrations, since his menopausal wife was giving him hell over the latest juicer cum rowing machine in town, and he covered up by turning it into a window.
  2. He wanted to redefine the window. An opening for fun, because he had spare glass and time to boot.
  3. So that people can look in and out.
Actually, I quite like 1 :))) but it would prolly be 3. Why would people want to look in or out? Well... the lounge is technically a public place, so people have the right to look in. Yeah, it's annoying, you're using the lounge, and some voyeur is watching through the window and formulating wet dreams about tv watching seniors or mugging freshies haha.

Wanking in there perchance? If the answer is an affirmative, go ahead... just stop blocking out the blardy window can? We've had enough fingering and weird activities going on there before and it became a consensus that the window ought not to be blocked (unless D3 was having another porn party hahaha).
Speaking of D3 parties, we really should have one soon. I miss our madness and this set looks pretty fun in their own right hoho. New minds to pollute :))))

Post blogging chat with loungers: A senior (in a somewhat puerile frame of mind) was making strange faces at them, in an attempt to distract them/ gain attention?
Not too sure. In any case, the cushions are down and the window is unblocked. Yay!
Civilized discourse beats online ranting.

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