Sunday, April 11, 2010

Freddie Mercury is Alive

On memory and existence.

Someone is really dead only when there remains not a single person with memories of them.
This thought emerged in the midst of the whimsical and the random that make a good Sunday afternoon conversation with a friend who faced a common loss.

So I say Freddie Mercury is alive! Caveat, I'm not claiming he literally exists in a corporeal form at this moment in time. What I mean is that his memory remains and we can vicariously (Youtube, music tapes, biographies) experience his genius. Eight generations from now, he may still be remembered. Say what you will, Bohemian Rhapsody is as much a masterpiece (and probably as overplayed) as Beethoven's symphony in C minor.

Lets put aside the likes of Freddy, Newton and Shakespeare, the thought applies to us mere mortals too. The day not a single person in the world remembers you, is the day you truly are dead. Dammit, I better record an album do some worth it shizz with my life. Do we crave immortality more than we think or somethink or nuthink at all...

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