Monday, October 01, 2012

Last few minutes of the eleventh hour.

Somewhere within the grey slush between my ears, another 3000+ words lie dormant. They need to surface and soon. The dread of not getting a HD and wrecking my beautiful average is looming. With one Credit on my transcript, it's a mercy that the other HDs were high enough to compensate and pull their weight against that abomination. Now, what will I do with anything less? It could be the one that screws up everything. It will not impact the research year since anyway it would be hard for the average to drop below the requirement but it would still be quite a blow if it dropped below the personal goal. The honours grade is based solely on the research year, so it really should not matter but considering how much I've procrastinated and the extension request, my supervisor and course convenor expect a lot of me based on previous submissions. Why was the bar set so high? I wouldn't want to disappoint them. Blowblowblow. In the mean time, must figure out how to rid mesself of this writers bloc and get back to writing already. God knows I've read hundreds of research papers, publications, books and reviews. Just a matter of making my case and doing a proper job of it. HELP!

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