Wednesday, March 31, 2010

number crisis

Dear imaginary number, in lieu of questioning your ontological status, I would recommend dreaming with Descartes. Empiricism is quite threadbare. Reading is cheaper than therapy.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A review of existentialism

When going through some of my old philo stuff, it dawned upon me that I really am forgetting a disgraceful number of things. *Pbbbbbbbt* should be ashamed to admit to it being my minor.
So I'm doing a brief summary of existentialism. Existentialism was really one of my favourite ideologies. The opportunity to objectively study a counter to the solipsistic syndrome that sometimes descends. Slowly. Noose-like. Threatening. A little tighter and snap. Now indifference.
Anywho, there is a wide variety of philosophical ideologies that make up existentialism so there is no universal definition for it. Remain open and realize that most existentialists have a different view and form and this review is by no means exhaustive, it's really an uber brief intro for the uninitiated.

Existentialism is a 20th century philosophy concerned with human existence, finding self, and the meaning of life through free will, choice, and personal responsibility. Mainly, it is the belief that people are searching to find out who and what they are throughout life as they make choices based on their experiences, beliefs, and outlook without the help of laws, ethnic rules, or traditions.

In existentialism a person’s judgment is the determining factor for what is to be believed rather than by religious or secular world values.

Some basic tenets of Existentialism are:

1. Humans are defined by their actions (not by their "nature" or potential). You are what you do.

2. Humans are always free to choose (Existentialists reject determinism in any form).

3. Included in this freedom, is the freedom to define themselves through their choices, through their existence, through their actions. No one is good because of what she thinks or feels but only because of what she does. Good people are those who do good things.

4. Existentialists recognize and accept the fact that humans are by nature social animals and social beings. We exist for one another.
Metaphysical solipsists may cry now.


this is not an emo blog. People have a tendency to blog in a particular mood, unless it is a subject specific blog.
Personal blogs tend to be utilized when the blogger is upset, pissed off or fired up by something.
I am people. I blog when bored. A lot of posts appear on the emo-angsty or the random-whacky range, but really, I'm just bored. How can anyone who wears rainbow coloured toe-socks with their cherry red Doc Martens be emo?!
It's a fair outlet when there are particular emotions that I'm not dealing with properly, but overall, I am good, veh good, and so I shall blog along those "yay!" sentiments too, as adequately, hopefully.
omgbbqttylbbfn, this is not going to turn into yet another emo blog on the web! cannotwillnot.
Much as I'm a conformist, I don't really like being people all the time ;)

Monday, March 15, 2010

another reason for thinking M.R. is the bomb!

Dear *insert name in obviously different font, bold and CAPITALIZED*,

Thank you for your crappy application.
After puking, I'm declining your putrid, generic email, with one of my own.
May your fingers rot and your keyboard melt in a nuclear implosion.

Yours sincerely,
(on his nicest response to obviously generic cover letters for jobs is in his laboratory).

he is brilliant, hilarious and with just a sufficient dollop of kookiness.
funny and exciting but a wee bit (okay, more like extremely) terrifying.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pi Day!

Happy Pi day yo! March 14th (3.14) gedditgeddit?!
bee tee double you, it's Einstein's birthday too.
This is just the most awesome day of the year.