Monday, April 06, 2009

Monday (un)Blues

I actually like Mondays... I've always kind of liked them. Maybe it's the sense of having a whole week ahead to achieve stuff? No rainy blue Montags (of the non-Heidi variant) here.

Am pleased with progress yesterday... Heeehee shall gloat.
  • Compiled and updated CV for summer internships and sent it out *crosses fingers*. Considering the yucky economy at the moment, I'm considering an unpaid internship, if it's a prestigious one. Does that make me overtly amenable? If that works out, I shall hope for my lottery success hahaha.
  • Finished another blogpost. Yay! Only two more to go. Was pleased to note this morning that there 3 comments in response to my post. Jude Law is scrumptious in GATTACA.
  • Watched Eternal Sunshine again. This time with an existential mindset.
  • Read some random HR articles in prep for the Q&A portion (which didn't happen -_- ) of the poster presentation.
  • Researched determinism to help with the GATTACA post.
Slept at an ungodly hour, but Val kindly woke me at 8 so I wasn't late for HR. Yay to having a roomie!

Today, our HR poster presentation was not bad. I'm so glad that I can at least depend on Ah Por in the group. She did an awesome job with the slides. The report however didn't get a great review. As a result, I spent 1.5 hours with the lecturer to figure out how to work things from here. Le sigh. If only everyone was accountable and had more similar expectations on achievement. Had to do the nasty and email them with the reasons why our project was less than successful. Kinda put it bluntly and told everyone to buck up. Yuck, why am I the evil-slave driving bitch of the group. Feeling distinctly ursala-ish... mean, moster, witchy.
I guess personal expectations have to be moderated? Raaaaaaaawr! This is precisely why group projects drive me mad... a dilution of your grade, the reflection of the averaged out value of your group.
Anyways, came back exhausted and had a 6 hour "nap". Such a piggy! The good thing though is that I'm refreshed and ready to tackle the day (night, I mean hahaha).

Et aujourd'hui:
  1. Interview Rugby players with ACL injuries. Hurrah for Wayne's contacts in the team :)))
  2. Finish one more blog post.
  3. Settle philo outline. Have decided to stick to Eternal Sunshine... Love it too much to cave in and write the easier GATTACA and determinism paper.
  4. Research bone-tendon integration.
  5. Watch Fritz Lang's Metropolis... the awesome Sci-Fic silent movie from 1927. Hmmm... maybe should contrast it with Platonic philosophy for good effect, in which case
  6. Read relevant bits of Plato's Republic. Could I use it for my blog post? *ponders*

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